Monday, April 02, 2007

Kenya Police Destroy Forensic Evidence

A few years ago then President of Kenya Daniel Arap Moi set ablaze thousands of elephant tusks simply to demonstrate to the international community that he was committed to the war against wildlife poaching in Kenya and Africa.

Although the donor community may have been impressed, it is not clear whether this single action deterred the poachers from continuing with the trade. Suffice it to say there was evidence that top government officials were indeed the fuel behind this lucrative trade.

Recently the Kenya government was at it again, but this time the Kenya Police torched thousands of guns comprising the bulky AK 47 and pistols of all calibers. It was reported that these guns had been seized from criminals who were either killed or arrested in various incidents. What was not clear was how many lives these guns had claimed.

George Nyangewso has more to say.... . Read here...