Here is a brief update on what our bloggers have been upto since my last posting a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy. For a listing of all the latest blogs, click
- Fear and Blogging-- Sunny overcomes this fear
- Truth in Advertising-- Sembe in his satirical post calls on us to believe in advertisers, companies after all spend millions in advertising.
- Catching Up-- Johari shares a story about a friend who visits her fiance's home.
- Mr. Kibaki-- No amnesty for Kimunya-- a letter from George Nyongesa of Bunge la Wananchi
- Retailing in Kenya, Nakumatt reviewed-- Stephen Wanyama begins discussion on the supermarket industry in Kenya. Is Nakumatt good or bad for the economy and mwananchi?
- The Cry Fizzles: Ritch's poem on resigning.
- A sentimental village dam: Ritch on his visit to Nyahururu last year.
- She'll be fine: Sembe on breaking up with his girlfriend, a girl who is really not his girlfriend.
- Kisumu's white elephant: Stephen Wanyama on the stealth creation of a public private enterprise in Kisumu. You didn't know about this one? Read on.
- just a band: Amina discovers a new Kenyan band. A new sound.
- The dangers of being cosmopolitan and eschewing macho campaigning-- Amir Ibrahim on Jesse Jackson's uncolorful comments on Barack Obama.
- Police teargas Bunge La Wananchi at Jevanjee Gardens-- George Nyongesa describes how it went down.
- Vodafone steals Safcom glory--PNdiangui wonders... .
- Insomnia: Sembe discusses his ailment and possible cures.
- Life.. is our reality real? or is it all an illusion? Enigmaress on why it is important to be yourself.