Wednesday, May 16, 2007

One on One with Renowned Writer-David Fick

Benin Mwangi interviews world renowned author-- David Fick on entrepreneurship in Africa.

Who does entrepreneurship benefit in Africa benefit?

It is the SMME's (small, medium, and micro enterprises that create the majority of jobs in Africa, Europe, and North America.

Is there anything, in particular, that you want readers of this book to think after completing the book? Is there anything that you hope that we do after reading it?

Please read my second book, Africa Continent of Economic Opportunity

The title of this book suggests an abundance of opportunity in Africa. What type of people will get to take advantage of this opportunity?

In Africa, entrepreneurial opportunities are getting better for Africans, Arabs, Europeans, Asians, and Americans, but these opportunities are still not nearly what they could be. Hopefully, in the future, continued and even greater improvements will be made in Africa's entrepreneurial and social environment.

What is the difference between this and your first book?

Covers all 53 countries of Africa, plus more pages.

Read the rest of the interview here.