Thursday, March 05, 2009

Kenya Burning: Reviews

We have two great reviews. Take a minute to check them out.

Rachel Gichinga asks Never Again?,
One year later (with the opening date of the exhibition set to coincide with the first anniversary of the signing of the peace accord), the slogan ‘Never Again' seems more like a question than a statement; it is said more with trepidation than with a resolute determination. Kenya today feels as close to the brink of collapse as it did when the violence broke out at the end of 2007. The sense of hope that may have emerged with the creation of the coalition government is all but gone. Several incriminating reports and the most repugnant of scandals later, the photos from the exhibition no longer feel like a distant memory, but rather the chilling foretaste of things to come.

Rombo from What the African Woman Thinks hopes Never Again.,
I worry though, about the ways in which this new awareness of their rights will be channelled. In selfish or unselfish ways? Negatively or positively? For the good or detriment of society? This is what remains to be seen.

As we wait to see, if you are in Nairobi and have not yet visited the Kenya Burning Exhibition at the KICC, there’s still tomorrow, and, as a recent bonus, Tuesday. It is well worth your time.

Never Forget. Never Again.