Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Re: Understanding Food Prices

The consensus around the world is that there is a food crisis upon us, and that the world simply cannot produce enough food to feed the growing population.

The New York Times contributes as it continues to substitute hyperbole for information in its reporting on rising food prices:

Hunger bashed in the front gate of Haiti's presidential palace. Hunger poured onto the streets, burning tires and taking on soldiers and the police. Hunger sent the country's prime minister packing.

Haiti's hunger, that burn in the belly that so many here feel, has become fiercer than ever in recent days as global food prices spiral out of reach, spiking as much as 45 percent since the end of 2006 and turning Haitian staples like beans, corn and rice into closely guarded treasures.

Read more from Chris Blattman here.