The ODM leader Raila Odinga is a famous man for his many talents. Foremost among these are his organising and rousing skills. It is true that few politicians in the history of Kenya have had as much ability to provoke their followers to action as has the ODM's captain. So it is that many Kenyans hoped in earnest that he would be able to quell the violent passion in his supporters, that he would be able to save Kenyan lives by asking that his people restrain themselves, take to the courts and settle disputes particularly those over land in a civilised and non-violent manner. He has pointedly refused to do that, famously insisting to the foreign media that he would not anaesthetize the Kenyan people as they were being raped, and then also shocking the international media by crudely comparing the post-election tragedy with mere post-match skirmishes between the supporters of rival football clubs.
Read more from Peter Ndiangui here.