Saturday, May 26, 2007

Poachers and Ivory- video

A few days ago lives were lost in a crossfire between poachers and KWS rangers.

Kenya which follows a strong non-hunting tourism tradition, thus finds itself at odds with the South African countries where hunting and culling are an integral part of wildlife management. In Zimbabwe which has annual hunting quota of 500, for example, a survey conducted by the World Wide Fund for Nature and African Wildlife Foundation indicated an elephant population of around 110 000 against a carrying capacity of 47 000. Zimbabwe insists that Kenya has been ‘sent' to fight against Zimbabwe citing the fact that two Kenyan missions to Zimbabwe have in the past been vastly impressed by Zimbabwe's conservation efforts and by its attempts to resolve the competition for reasons between men and wildlife.

Join in on the discussion here on Kenya's wildlife future and the threat that KWS faces with poaching.